Services We Offer

Functional Behavior Assessment and Intervention Plan

An FBA and intervention plan focuses on family life, cultural traditions, and characteristics.

Direct ABA Therapy

ABA therapy can be implemented successfully outside the office and at home, school, and in the community. Offering a culturally sensitive therapeutic approach, each treatment plan is individually tailored.

Case Supervision

Clinical experts in ABA understand how to best approach each child. Being sensitive to a family home, culture, values, and language are essential.

Tailored Instructional Program

Each program is uniquely created for each child. Family cultural values and traditions are to be taken into account when approaching treatment.

Social and Play Skills Development

Depending on the age of a child, treatment will be specialized towards age group, values, and culture.

Parent and Caregiver Training

Since culture is imperative to a child’s treatment success. Plans will be created based on cultural values as clinicians get to know parents and understand special circumstances. Parents will be trained to understand their child’s behavior and know how to modify them while enforcing positive acts.